The Living Fossil Gallery

Arizona Petrified Wood -0

Arizona Petrified Wood


Arizona Petrified Wood, The Living Fossil Gallery

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SKU: F.WOOD.9 Categories: ,


This superb piece of petrified wood is why Arizona “Rainbow Wood” is the most sought after in the world. Within this piece you can see wonderful agate crystal structure while splashes of red and black give a wonderful contrast. Clear ageing rings are to be seen and on the outside the fossilised bark is apparent. This specimen is from a full trunk or branch – not a fragment. This specimen is thicker than usual and is quite imposing. Fossil wood is extremely durable and hard material, and is very resistant to even steel knife scratching, and on this piece the reverse has been reinforced with mesh fibreglassing – so it could also be a mini table! 

Dimensions: 410mm widest point, 18mm thickness

Treatments: Natural polish, no lacquer

Age: Permian 

Location: Arizona

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg